Visit MY FAVORITES below this post – you will find the other memes for this week there!


Our seven hour drive from Los Angeles to Sacramento, then East to Jackson in Gold Rush country is prettiest in Spring.  February-March is the time that the green hill sides are quite striking when in bloom.



Blooming cherry trees all along the way…
blooming later than usual
the featured  image on top tells you why
the mountain range of Yosemite in the distance
not ready yet to lose its snow cover



spring branches



Silver Store_2411















 Inspirational silver store. I like silver even more than gold. What about you? Although the cross on this door looks more like iron.




Lake Hughes

Near sunset the mountains surrounding Lake Hughes become dark and mysterious,

but these clouds!

The other memes/challenges for this week  are on MY FAVORITES – below this post!

Thanks to All the Hosts
Sunday Stills  * 
ABC Wed. – I    *  Outdoor Wednesday  Waterworld  *  Wordless  *  Alphabe – Q  *  Good Fences  *  Up Down View  *
Floralfridayfoto  *  Sky Watch  Weekend Reflection  Blooming Friday  * Todays Flowers  * Maleviks rosen  *

45 thoughts on “NATURE’S CELEBRATION

  1. Hi Jesh,

    I prefer gold; however, I REALLY like diamonds!

    My son used to sit high up in a tree for a long time–just like you.

    Thanks for playing today.

    Happy Blue Monday!


  2. Hi Jsh!
    I think I like silver more also – but it depends – and that cross does look like iron – also- that cross photo is my favorite of this post (even tho the sunset was a close second) but I like that shot because it seems to tell a few things… so cool to the side like that too.

    also, speaking of silver and gold, I was just reading a dp entry about silver vs. gold

    silver and seville — 3/04/15
    Today’s selection — from War and Gold by Kwasi Kwarteng. As the Europeans conquered the New World, it was silver, much more than gold, that they brought back with them to flood European markets. Between 1503 and 1660, they brought 16,000 metric tonnes of silver as compared to 185 metric tonnes of gold. All this precious metal came through the Spanish city of Seville

    more here


    1. how cool, Yvette! I never wondered how gold and silver came into Eur., since I don’t know of any gold or silver mines in Eur. itself. Am much more aware of this, since I live in a whole string of towns that were part of the gold rush in 1849 and that made the American Dream famous:) These little town still have a “gold exchange!”

      Liked by 1 person

    1. Hi again Jesh. The reason we don’t have Spring flowers here in Florida is that it is TOO hot for them. We have hibiscus and many tropical flowers in bloom all the time, even in winter but because there is no winter weather at all, the delicate early spring flowers don’t grow here. I miss them from when we gardened and lived all year in more temperate Oregon.


  3. This is a great time of year for the drive from L.A. to Sacramento. We have done that drive so many times but we have always been driving straight through instead of enjoying the sights along the way!


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