THE TALE of one of my PLEIN AIRS … and an Imaginary Walk

Most of my plein air painted in oil or watercolor, have been done in Yosemite Nat. Park or Bryce Canon or Zion Nat. Park. These small scenes  take the place of my vacation snap shots!
Yet when you see them they don’t show the story behind them.


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THE GOOD: Zion Nat. Park, utah
Quickly grabbed the Ipad (… sorry, he was too far away for
a clearer view since the Ipad does not have many pixels)
this detail of the KEEN photographer who gave a big yelp
echoing through the mountains that “I made it” to the top.
It made me smile.

It probably was a treacherous climb with this tripod and camera:) for the guy
Then I heard him talking to his child who I couldn’t even see





Also Tuesday Texture

You see him? Hardly visible on a “cloudy” day.
Every day it was between 104 and 108 degr. F. Was only able to paint half an hour at a time in the shade. I know I’m a wimp. Heat definitely has an effect on my concentration!

What happened on this location, was that we were each sitting in a fold up chair on the sand. Hubby pointed to  the ground on my left, because it was lower than on my right, where I had put down my palette and brushes. I indicated I had seen it.

Only one time, when I was bending a little too far sideways to get another color from my palette. My chair suddenly folded, and I and my canvas and brush went flying through the air.

I landed so deep covered by sand, that hubby needed to help me get up. We both burst out laughing, because it was kind of comical. Am very thankful that hubby forgot that we had our camera with us!

I never  know what’s going to happen on my painting trips…:)




Red against White in Utah, 12 x 16 inch, Oil, © StGermain

Left out items that would distract from these rocks, like the trees on the photo .
Minimum on details for the white background ridge of mountains.
Since white is the sum of all colors, I blended the (Titanium) white with whatever smidgen of color I detect on the rock in the foreground. My challenge here is to keep the white in the background.
Satisfied with my capture – coming pretty close to the colors in the painting.





Now it has found a place on the top shelf  of the mini gallery hubby built for me some time ago.
All the orange-red plein airs are  scenes in Utah, and the rest is from Yosemite Nat. Park.
Some are not quite finished, but looking at them daily will eventually take my brush there!





Koi world_9213

If there would be a city of imagination it would be a cross between San Diego, Pasadena, and El Dorado Hills.
Like a Fish in Water (Koi in Huntington Gardens in Pasadena) they say – at the moment it is to see the sun shining through the trees, and a blue sky above me. They seem minimal requirements, but it means the big fire from last 2 weeks is getting under control! A restful feeling as well as full of energy



High RiseSanDiego_2427

Sipping coffee in Sea Port Village in San Diego, after a long walk through the Huntington Garden in Pasadena (African Garden – below). I have wings, didn’t you know?








For dinner we choose eating out Thai in this street of restaurants in El Dorado Hills


Thanks to all the hosts!

Blue Monday * Randomosity Jo’s Walk  * Wordless  * Catch the Light  *
Texture Tuesday  *  Our World Nature Notes * Trees and Bushes  *
ABC-Wed.-K  *  Outdoor Wed.  *  Water World Black and White Wed. *  Wordless Wed.  *
NF Dam Alphabe– S  *  Good Fences Up and Down  *  Little Things *
Sky Watch  *  Weekend Reflection  *  Floral Fri. Foto  *  Fri Photo Journal  *  Fri Greens *
* Todays Flowers * Maleviks Rosen  * Sat. Critters Six Words Sat.  *


42 thoughts on “THE TALE of one of my PLEIN AIRS … and an Imaginary Walk

  1. Wow – your paintings are great. I have been thinking of you sice I heard there was forrestfire, Did it affect you?
    All the best 🙂


  2. Hi Jesh,

    What a nice man your husband must be, to sit with you and enjoy the outdoor beauty and to assist you with your art display. Thanks for making Blue Monday special.

    Happy Blue Monday!


  3. The colours in your painting are so like my red cliffs in the Algarve, Jesh, and make me feel ‘homesick’. 🙂 But you always bring a sunny smile with you! Many thanks for your company.


  4. Someone took a child up so high? Scary..of course I am no longer a fan of heights.. Falling is too costly..I love your artwork and the display is wonderful too. I want to have something where I can keep some of my Mom’s artwork up on a rotating basis as I know have quite a few pieces. That is wonderful… please send hubby here as mine is not handy like that.. LOL… Michelle


  5. laughed at your sand bath. 🙂 love the gallery wall! and very pretty fence at the end.

    yes, an earlier commenter on my site mentioned it reminded them of the recent devastating fires consuming homes in calif. so very sad.


  6. My Grandmother enjoyed painting. I took an art class, when I was young, from an accomplished artist in our little town in Vermont and loved it! I still have my portfolio. Your paintings are lovely!


  7. You have a lovely selection of paintings and what is neat is that they all bring back memories of places you’ve seen or been too. – I don’t think I would attempt climbing that rock like that photographer did especially with a tripod in hand. He must have had a great view though. – Oh I like Thai food and that was a nice fence.

    Here is the link to my post as I am late getting around to all the blogs:


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