Meltpot Images

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My Random Intro: the header is from my own backyard – it’s a romantic tangled mess,  but I like it.


San Diego is the 4th vacation city in the USA. When we lived in Southern California we only lived 1 1/2 hrs. drive from there, so we went there quite often. Not on the holidays because half of the time was spent on looking for a parking place.



Gate2modold town2
The gate to a corner of Old Town





Sea Shore Village
Typical building styles and a few steps from the boardwalk to see sail ships and other boats,
the long bridge to Catalina Island. On the boardwalk are often a few mime artists
keeping passers by entertained. All very leisurely and pleasant.










Folklore – in the weekend seeing dance groups here (free) –
always draws a lot of people















Music from Bolivia or Peru (sorry I took this pic a while ago)
while you eat ice cream






Fountain next to where the musicians play. There are all kinds of specialty stores here and places to eat.


Cinquo de Mayo is coming up – that means for me: good food! Old Town is the best place to eat authentic Mexican and probably also the most affordable:)

My fave dish is Enchiladas… WHAT  IS  YOUR  FAVE  ETHNIC  DISH?


Except for second  pic (in Balboa Park) all other images are from Old Town


Randomsky 180


Thanks to All the Hosts
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Our World  *  Nature Notes  *  Wordless  * Trees & Bushes  *
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Up Down View  * Little Things  *  Alphabe– X  * Good Fences  *
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Sunday in my City  *

45 thoughts on “Meltpot Images

  1. Hi Jesh,

    I wish I could meet you for lunch on cinco de Mayo. Isn’t it fun finding blues to share? Thanks for playing today.

    Happy Blue Monday!


  2. Hi Jesh! I love Mexican food ad now I am hungry! Hee Hee! I will remind my son to visit Old Town when he travels to San Diego later this summer! Such a wonderful share of photos. Thanks and enjoy a terrific week.


  3. I haven’t spent enough time there, maybe next time I’m in Southern California. Nice shots!

    My altitude on Pulpit Rock was probably around 6,500 feet above sea level, it’s not that high but looks across towards the mountains perfectly.


  4. San Diego looks like a beautiful place to visit, and your photos have really given me a sense of a lively, warm, welcoming place.


  5. A great series of photos. We used to live there for several years and I know these places well. They bring back a lot of good memories. Thanks for sharing them.


    1. That’s the first of the ethnic celebrations we used to go to, then there was an Indonesian food day in June and somewhere in Aug. the Greek festival – the advantage of a metropolis:) Now I live in N. CA I may have to make my own (food) festival, lol!


  6. Jesh, you’ve brought back many happy memories of our visit to San Diego quite a few years ago. Lovely post.
    Thanks for participating in Floral Friday Fotos, I look forward to your next contribution!


  7. I am the most unadventurous, suspicious picky eater ever. Just ask my Mother..if that was possible, but I was as a child and am still. Does pizza count as ethnic? LOL… Michelle


    1. Well …pizza comes from Italy, so yes, that’s an ethnic dish:):)
      By the way we ate the pizza’s in Italy from a mom & pop store, and they are softer in taste, and the crust is softer too – not crunchy.

      Liked by 1 person

  8. Your photos are stunning! Loved the gate, the architecture, the look of Old Town! We went to San Diego (my first visit since I was a baby) three years ago and I loved it! My Mom told me I was conceived after a trip to Balboa Park on Easter 46 years ago! 🙂


  9. Wonderful images, I love mexican food, I just wished my hubby did too. I have visited San Diego in the 1980’s.. Time for another visit.. Have a happy day!


  10. I have been wanting a potted geranium for a few weeks, and then I see one in your images. I think it is a sign. 🙂


  11. Oh, you must miss it! (Not the traffic though)
    Favourite ethic food? Now that’s a difficult one _ i do like my food! I think I’d have to go for a spicy Indian dish, a dhansak I think


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