Featured image: cherry blooms in Southern California and are for Wordless

The beginning months of the year are more challenging  for me than December with its flurry of activities and celebrations.  Now all the leaves after the storms have gone from these branches, I can finally see the bird house.






Birdhouse_3672 copy

One of the first things in the new year is:
What my focus will be this year?
while waiting for the art studio to be built …


Down view slope – will be a while before I know what to do with this back yard!

In spying, this is how everyone’s yard looks like  in these woods.
I love to have at least roses, but who knows deer like them (to eat) too!
If not knowing what to do I  start cleaning up things I started, but didn’t finish last year. That inevitably leads me back to …





Back3YardFinish_4634Oil, 12 x 9  inch, St Germain
The “intro” on the right of the dilapidated gazebo with the bird house , the eye travels to  the black oak tree on the left.
One of my favorite spots  are these little yellow-green patches.  I look at them every day. They’re  trees on the bottom of the property – which is  further than it looks like –  painted  with the sun shining on it. The big pines on the right take up most of my living room view.  A hint of a light fog rises between these tall trees (last pic).








Somehow painting for a few afternoons take care of the questions swirling in my mind, second guessing myself, the who’s why’s and where’s what .
By that time I can  see the “je suis Charlie’s” from an anthropological perspective.  Middle Easterns not understanding something fundamental as a Western and democratic concept such as “freedom of speech!”  I have the same dips and upsets (my own word)  as you do, only I have learned to

change my framework

… that gives me a whole new picture




One of the Camellia you see in the background  above in Huntington Library


Am not into politics, but I am concerned what is happening close to  me! Such as at UC Davis – are you kidding?? We want to live here, enjoy the wealth in the USA, go to your good schools, but don’t ask us to follow your rules/laws, because they’re not good enough for us.
Am with Italy – if you don’t like it here, just go back from where you came.
There are  road signs around here that say “You see a crime? Call …”  then phone number follows .  Hmm  I think I just saw one.
Nonetheless, there are a few universal laws to  hold onto, no matter where I come from. One of them is that water reflects what is above!





for Rubbish and modified for Mandarin Orange

It’s easier to be reminded why we need  fences, as there are so many around me,  here in Northern Cal.





Sunset Yard_3548











As sure as  this fog rises between these pines in the beginning and end of the day, the same way the sun will rise and set at the horizon.


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Thank you All the Hosts!
Blue Monday Travel Photo  * Mandarin Orange  Random-osity  *
Our World    * Nature Notes  * Rubbish by Roan  Wordless  * Blick Dienstag (Down)  *
ABC-D  ” Outdoor WednesdayWater World  * Wordless Wed.
* Little Things  *  Alphabe – L  *  Up Down View  * Good Fences  *
Sky Watch  *  Floral Friday Foto  Weekend Reflection  * Fri Photo Journal Blooming Friday  Todays Flowers  * Orange TGIF 
Pink Saturday  *  Maleviks Rosen  *

40 thoughts on “WINTER THOUGHTS

  1. Oh to have views like that from my windows! And I love your painting – with that on my wall I could imagine I had the views 🙂
    And I’m with you on “accept our rules or leave” – if there is conflict with our own rules and customs then our own should take precedence.


  2. Omgosh, I didn’t know what was going on at UCDavis. Funny how that didn’t make my news. You can’t negotiate with a totalitarian mindset… But don’t get me started.

    Anyway, on to more pleasant things, the painting is lovely and isn’t it fun to dream about what you want your yard to become. That is as much fun as having it finished for me.


  3. What a beautiful environment and to be able to paint there. I am with you on the ‘if you live here, do it by our rules’, at least for 90 % or so. It is a big problem everywhere when cultures meet in one space. I should know… Germany, there have been and always will be a lot of different cultures trying (or not) to live together – sigh – I better not go any further on this subject… but, your paintings are seriously lovely…


  4. Oh, ‘our rules’ is a hot topic in Finland. We can’t talk openly about ‘rules’ or that kind of things because then you’re racist! or fundamentalist!
    Yes, we have free media but…if you’re open you’re nailed right away. Like ‘you’re either with us, or you’re against us’…
    And your painting, it reminds me of summer, can’t wait!!! 🙂


  5. Lovely post. So many artists have been inspired by gardens and flowers!
    Thank you for joining Floral Friday Fotos and hope to see more of your work in the weeks to come.


  6. Beautiful art! I agree with everything you said here. Our world will be destroyed because so many sit back and do nothing. This is not just a problem here but worldwide. I pray!

    I am excited to see the art studio. I am not terribly artistic but I am defined by my creator and not Political Correctness!


  7. I too love the views in that there are no people…I would love that view. Every painting I see makes me think of my Mom which makes me smile and a bit sad…You two would have gotten on so well….Stay warm.. it is a long winter it seems…Michelle


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