Never thought I would blog about machines and trucks,
but these represent something near to my heart.
They were needed to make the ground level for my art.


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THE RANDOM:  With all the work below, we still took out time, taking breaks
shooting flowers in the backyard (below) and sunsets,
did go out to eat occasionally:) – where I included myself







THE GOOD – the beginning for the mold of the concrete wall behind the fence. The fence and gates are gone.  This account is for posterity – the BEFORE pic.
At the end of this post, the soil has come to the top of this wooden wall





The gas tank got a new concrete platform , more out of the way. Sadly,
these trees were all cut (below)






As a layman,  I had no idea what it took to build a retaining
wall,  so  in exasperation that the (mold)  form  took so long,
“Needs to build a mold, but he’s building a castle!”

Hubby in blue sweater pours concrete for the retaining wall
– which is a wall to hold the soil in place
(only half of the mold here).




Cutting thisTree_0826

Taken by hubby – Catch the Light

Step 2:  left this dangerous job to a professional who had first
his own company – now works for the state of CA.
He climbed the trunks (with braces on his pants with a spike
on inside at height of ankle)
to cut off the 10 feet crown of the trees.
Then went to work and cut seven 40 feet trunks plus about 10 feet
branches and leaves of the California (black?) oak.




Readyto remove_0817

on how he picks up the trunk it’s easy to see how wide these trunks are-
roped them to his truck to get them out of the way !  Hubby already cut them up
to xeric (dry) for fire wood.











Looking down from the balcony I see branches and leaves being cut up
with this wood chipper. Talking about noise! Glad hubby (left) has his earphones on.
One trunk was so massive a root grinding machine had to remove the roots.






the concrete retaining wall on the right

Step 3: twenty-two loads of dirt dumped and compacted. The owner of the truck  -also previously owned a company – did this as a side job – took about 2 1/2 weeks because the tractor to scoop the soil into the truck broke down twice

This was an eye-opener jolting me into the reality of this area. Unemployment has remained. To make ends meet, adults are doing jobs like sweeping up dirt, etc. -something 15 year olds used to do after school.

When hubby told me that the house of the person who pointed out where the truck owner lived   was the size of our garage, I was shocked, “Life is not fair.” (our house is an average middle class – 3 bedroom size).





These guys are amazing and workaholics (worse than hubby), working 7 days a week.
That’s why these weeks was one time we couldn’t use the rain!




Fiery Sunset_4799

For Sky Watch & Sat. Silhouettes

THE FUN:  Why they worked so hard and all these machines were necessary,
it was for making the ground level, for a concrete floor
to put on … a barn or whatever you call it…where I can paint ….clean my brushes… make a mess:)


 Phew, now we need a Rest!
(Six Word Saturday)

 Thanks to All the Hosts

Click on the meme to get you there!

Blue Monday  *  Randomosity  * I Heart Macro  * Catch the Light  *
Our World  *  Trees and Bushes  * Nature Notes  * Wordless  *
ABC Wed- X *  Outdoor Wed.  * Wordless Wed. * Black and White Wed.  *  Water World  *
Little Things Up & Down Good Fences  ”  Alphabe–  F  *
Sky Watch  *  Floral Fri Foto  *  Fri Greens  *  Weekend Reflection  * Todays Flowers * Fri Photo Journal Maleviks Rosen * Six Word Sat.  * Sat. Silhouettes  *

48 thoughts on “TREES ‘n THINGS

  1. Cool post. I like watching things get torn down and built. And, if you give me a sledge hammer, I’d get into the act. But, I don’t see any need for a sledge hammer in your project. 🙂


  2. Wow, that is a lot of work. Sadly, I don’t think the economy is better. The family has an Ivy League Summa Cum Laud grad working in fast food. 😦


  3. I’m glad you were able to give these men some work and that you will have a studio of your own to play and get messy in. The blossom is lovely. Thanks so much for sharing the love up-close with I Heart Macro ♥


  4. Looks like a lot of hard work being done. I am sure it will be awesome when it is all done too. An art studio is great. Enjoy your new week ahead!


  5. It will be good to have your own studio and it seems to me that the work went pretty fast (of course I didn’t have to listen to the noise )) . There is a wide income disparity in this country and unfortunately the people who work the hardest don’t always reap the most benefits. But it at least you contributed to the economy by hiring them.


  6. Wonderful photo shares! Hard work is a good thing, I lost my job in November 2014 and unemployment told me today my benefit is exhausted July 14th. I know it is my age, but I need to find work and it is not easy! Prayers very much appreciated. We have been painting our house inside so we are exhausted. ALways my pleasure to stop by here. Have a good week. Hugs, Anne


  7. We live in logging country. Cutting down trees is a true skill and art. We use propane, but our tanks only hold 40 lbs since we have to take them to town for refills. One day a tank about the size of the one in your picture floated up to our cabin. After no one came around to claim it, we painted it up to look like a whale. It sits out front to welcome all of our guests.


  8. So you were building a kind of dike! Like real Dutchmen. Thanks for your comment on my post. As a matter of fact all I wrote down about X was from Google and it took me 5 minutes to post it. I have been away for 11 days, you see, so I wanted something easy. The post about water took me much longer.
    Wil, ABCW Team.


  9. Once the work is done I am sure you will greatly enjoy the outcome!
    Many thanks for taking part in Floral Friday Fotos, I hope to see more of your images soon.


  10. I love the way your gorgeous photographs illustrated your story of the building of your new art studio so eloquently. It’s also marvelous to hear the stories of hardworking Americans. Blessings!


  11. A new art space–how exciting! Arborists are amazing to watch work. Our neighbors had an old oak removed a few years back, and it was a treat to watch how they do it.


  12. What a fantastically fun project!

    I’d love to be close by to smell the wood being cut and hear the diesel roar from the machinery.

    Thanks for a fun link for the letter G.



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