CITY – Noon till Midnight

Cities with a harbor like San Diego I am especially drawn to. I love the water side!
Balboa Island is unique (pic of the fence and bushes) that it is connected to the main land,
so it does not have the appearance of an island. It is always super busy, so
we like to visit both places  during the week



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Shipview 110

Only part of this ship without people in front.
Do you like the romantic masthead? (Six Word Sat.)













Hubby caught this butterfly right in front of the Botanical building





High rise reflect in Little Italy,
one of the streets where I buy painting materials at Blick Art Store.











SignRosenorco 101 copy

Taken by hubby on hubby, this is why I say I’m not
a photographer, I just take pics:)







Pretty gate to Enter and fence …oops I caught someone else taking a shot here:):)




One the things I love is
a big city alive till midnight

(Six Word Saturday)

Outside it’s in the 90ties, so I’m organizing my painting stuff  so I can paint
in Yosemite Nat. Park for Fathers Day and hubby can hike (his choice for his day)
He’s building me some shelves by the front door for my plein airs –
I’ll show you when it’s done:)




Thanks to All the Hosts
A click below brings you directly there
Blue  Monday      * I Heart Macro Randomosity *
Our World  *  Nature Notes  * Wordless  * Trees & Bushes  *
ABC Wed. – W *   Waterworld  Outdoor Wed.  * Wordless Wed Black & White Wed *
Little Things Up & Down View  * Alphabe – E  * Good Fences  *
Floralfridayfoto  * Sky Watch  * Weekend Reflection  * Fri. Photo Journal  * Fri. Greens  * Todays Flowers*
Sat. Critters  *  Maleviks Rosen  * Pink Saturday  * Six Word Sat.  *

45 thoughts on “CITY – Noon till Midnight

  1. Haifa, where I live, has a large working port. A harbor is so much more romantic 🙂 Lovely photos.


  2. Gorgeous picture! Especially that black and white one, there’s just something about it that makes me like it… 🙂


  3. My daughter is moving back to San Diego in September and I can’t wait to visit again. I love Balboa Park – is that different from Balboa Island? I will have to look into that. Rebecca


  4. Lovely photos! The lamps in the bottom photo look to me like tall women with cute hats. One of these days, we will stay longer than a weekend in San Diego so we can explore it to our heart’s content.


  5. Great shot’s of San Diego, I too love to be by water, Little Italy looks interesting!
    Best wishes,
    ABCW team.


  6. Lots of great stuff here today. I did like the ships masthead, very cool.
    Loved the reflection in the building,
    The cool looking fountain,
    The peaceful lighthouse shot and finally
    The lovely gate.


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