COFFEE, TEA, and so on …


Specific and Special Stuff  –

Don’t go with the Crowd – Make up Your Own Mind
You are Special Enough to have Your OWN Opinion


Walked across a busy intersection of the outdoor mall to get a pound of Quatamalan San Sebastian coffee.
“Which one?” A very young woman in a dramatic red dress at the cash register turns to look to the board where the coffees are listed. I repeat and added, “One of the Americas (coffees).”




Beneath the frame you see the reflections of the leaves in the glass wall


She asked a tall slender man with glasses in his late forties to get the coffee beans. Something in her voice told me she wanted to let him know she was boss.
“For which size of coffee press?”  Gave the measurement by holding my hands apart.
“About this size.  Why?”
“That’s a 1.3,” more to himself.
Then he turned his face in my direction. “Because the size determines the amount of beans you need for a cup of coffee.” He bent down to add some more beans.
“You make it a science,” I declared.
“It’s not mine.” He smiled, “I just follow it.”
“Could you please grind it? Mine is broken.”
“Absolutely!”  He continued while putting the beans in the grinder, “Al Peet came from Holland in 1956 when he developed the coffee and tea shop. That was when the coffee here was horrible.”



Artistigue CupCrop

a coffee cup we saw in Upstart Crow,  a coffee and bookshop in San Diego with a similar atmosphere as at Peets.



I nodded (remembering the colored water my American friends made and called it coffee).
“He was Dutch? I am too.” I volunteered, “He probably developed the coffees because in Holland a  morning on one’s  job is unthinkable without a coffee break!

He poured the grind in the paper bag.
“Now I like this kind, I’m kind of wary to try another,” I chat.

He narrowed his eyes while he thought for a moment. “Maybe you would like the anniversary blend. Some of similar components are in this blend – some from New Guinea, Nicaragua and some other.”
“Oh but right now, am first going to use the Quatamalan.”

As an afterthought, “You know what? I am going to give you some of the anniversary blend, enough to make you a cup of coffee (more like 4:) ). “Oh, thanks!” I received the small bag.
On the patio hubby noted, “Customer service, Jesh!”  also referring to the $2 discount or free small drink sample when purchasing coffee beans.
I happily smile, “It certainly is!” Grab my knitting work while plopping on the chair.  Hubby nods and opens up his Ipad.





Patio of Peets


Now I come to think of it, I never saw that man back in the store. Not even on the same day and time of the weeks following.

They have also a variety of teas to drink, because Al Peet, the owner, preferred tea over coffee. Am not an expert, but Oolong tea is the best and priciest tea we drank in China. Peets has two kinds. Of course, they also have Dutch cocoa to take home.





At first, I only knew about Starbucks. I was all too happy because their coffee tasted much better than the ones in the big grocery stores.

I began to compare when my daughter once noted that she liked Peets coffee, because their coffee doesn’t have such a burnt taste. Then I read in two articles a half year apart,  they were one in eight companies in the whole nation lobbying  for something that is a  misnomer. One in eight, not eighty, or two hundred –  that sends a message!
Half a year later I ascertained they were against a  company who was forced to abide against something they believed.

I was done.
Am not against them. Their coffee is good, but I want to buy from a company that is not politically involved, but just sells coffee, or whatever food or drink.
Am  happy  to drive to a Peets Coffee an hour away to enjoy the coffee as well as the knowledge about the products the people who work there, display.

That’s why I came here.  For a cup of coffee and a Coconut Almond Bar. 


Do you drink coffee or tea?






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P.S. This post is also Specific and Special Stuff (click on right top to read what that’s about). If there is someone who would benefit from reading this, you have my permission to copy and print this post.

47 thoughts on “COFFEE, TEA, and so on …

  1. I’m from Blighty and therefore more of a tea drinker, which at the moment is generally green tea with lemon. If I received such good service as you experienced it would keep me happy all day long! I find random exchanges with strangers like that so interesting and pleasing.


  2. Morning coffee is a routine to me. However, I didn’t learn to drink tea until I came to Russia. I come from a tropical country and tea is very unlikely to be one of the favorites. I used to drink iced teas though.

    With coffee I drink Barista, mild. I like to wake up with its freshly brewed smell.


  3. Hi Jesh – your patio photo looks eurpeoan almost – and we love peet’s (did not know the history or that that he liked tea more) and I like the way you shared how the specialty coffees came into play – you kinda summed up two decades with this!!
    And for me, around 2001 I was really tired of starbucks and their coffee made me feel bad afterwards – not all – cos if we buy the bags or k-cups I can enjoy it np – but twice I have walked in and walked right out again – and simply do not go to starbucks anymore at all – well actually in DC we went and I had a large earl gray tea (they used to call it london fog in 2009- but I guess there was litigation about the name so they dropped the name) and that tea made me feel awful too (and it was made w/ Tazo) but the proof is in the pudding… cos how you feel after consuming something says it all.

    anyhow, enjoyed this and was right there with ya – hearing the grinder go. and good customer service is such gift these days!
    thanks for sharing this narrative 🙂

    oh and one more comment – the most expensive tea I had was Oolong – and yuck – do not like it – and we have had it from “teevana” ($$$) and from the prince of piece brand ($) and then even some store bought bags – and just prefer regular green to the oolong…

    sorry this was so long, but ahhh – you wrote about one of my favorite topics – 🙂


  4. I drink both coffee and tea! But I adore tea! Not a huge fan of all the Starbucks as it is pricey and I am unemployed currently. But I splurge once and a while. I like Chai Tea too. But I don’t drink a certain beer any more because I hate advertising for all the politically correct or not things in this world. Make your product and hush! We deal with so much daily anyway why ruin the things we enjoy?! It seems if you have customer service skills you are out the door! Silly world! Great share with nice words and photos too.


  5. I drink both! A cup of tea first to get me started, a coffee mid-morning and tea again in the afternoon. I don’t know Peets – are they nationwide? I’m in LA and Las Vegas next month so I’ll look out for them. I have mixed views on Starbucks – I’m not a fan of big companies at all, but i have to say that at a local level Starbucks do a lot of good community work and give good service. my local Starbucks is especially friendly, with live music and free tastings on Thursday and lots of local charity work.
    Thanks for linking in!


  6. Wonderful post! It had me wishing for coffee. I only drink it now and then on special occasions and when I do, I try to go where the coffee tastes and smells like coffee and has me feeling zingy and musical like coffee does.


  7. I drink both coffee and tea but I am fairly particular about the types I drink. I haven’t tried Peet’s. We don’t have one around here that I know of. I’ve seen it in the market’s though and now you have me curious to pick some up and make it at home.


  8. Living in rural France my choice of which coffee to drink is limited to the one I make at home myself. Carte Noire ground beans. Love the coffee mug in yourpost, that would make my coffee taste even better!


  9. i drink coffee every morning – a must – but i’m a grocery store kinda gal. don’t like starbucks or strong flavors and don’t do special mixes, etc. plain is fine with me. i do like hot tea in the winter – organicly grown, only, now. 🙂

    thanks for the fencery!


  10. Interesting post and comments. Of course I drink coffee that is fair-trade,, organic and shade-grown as it coffee is a huge business and takes a toll on the environment and growers are paid little. It is called “Birds and Beans” and I buy it online as a portion goes to bird habitat… Michelle


  11. I’m more of a tea drinker, but like a really good cup of coffee. I grind my own blend at home, so I guess I’m a bit fussy!


  12. Love, and drink, both coffee and tea. Never Starbucks though. Starbucks products do not agree with me.
    However, most other coffees I enjoy. We have a local roaster that I buy beans from, because I do love a freshly ground cup. With a nice splash of cream. 🙂


  13. thank you so kindly for stopping by my blog. i always enjoy meeting new friends. i love your patio shot. that looks like a great place to chill out and enjoy a cup of coffee/tea. love the sun shot too. have a lovely weekend. take care. ( :


  14. A very interesting post. I wish I had this place near me. I love the look of the chairs on the patio. We have a Starbucks near us and I frequent it often but I am intrigued by your comments. I love to drink English tea but I also love a good cup of coffee. Your rose is beautiful! Thank you for sharing with Today’s Flowers and leaving such a sweet comment. I wish you a very happy weekend


  15. A fun post Jesh. Here in Adelaide we have a fun foodie place called “The Loose Caboose” – referring (I think) to the fact that this establishment was originally a train station ticket office! (The trains still stop here enroute from Adelaide city to Outer Harbour) – you can observe different coffee beans from around the world being roasted at one end of the café/bistro. Imagine the wonderful aromas that fill your senses as you partake of a brew, together with a cake or healthier food choice!!


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