Changed my header  – better late than never, lol.  Suddenly the look of the heat
of Bryce Canyon  in June in the previous header bothered me, as I’m  drinking
multiple cups of hot tea to keep myself warm


The Gardenia is one of my fifteen flower paintings in oil.
An exhilarating  period in my life that began with a wilted rose in a glass on my living room table.
I resisted the urge to fill a 24 x 24 canvas that had been in my stash for a year, because I knew a comparison would be made with Georgia O’Keefe (and of course they did!).
From the onset I decided that I would give the flower a personality, that I felt fit the flower.
And my very best to stay as far away from a realistic, superficially cheerful, or  erotic presentation as possible.
Also, I would keep it to the flowers that I would absolutely love.

The gardenia has two components I adore. A white flower has that virgin quality that no other flower comes close to. I like to surround myself with its fragrance. I gave the gardenia the personality of a tousled head of curly hair with a satin quality.

If you see another “personality,” go ahead:)



Gardenia, Oil, 24 x 24 inch, © St Germain

Please put this post on “full screen” to see the correct measurements of the painted flower (a smaller version -view distorts it)


To envelop myself with white gardenia
is a dream about strolling in
long forgotten gardens



Gnarly Tree_4058


Where the closest gnarly tree
offers you the bench and
an excuse to read
a book in its shade


when a sweet scent envelops me
I see which gift the wind brought by
a bush with tiny white flowers
they call Gardenias.






till the bell tolls six
inviting to wander inside



yelloworange rose


I pass a delicate climbing rose
leading to a court yard






a birth bath not used for some time





drawn by the fragrance of candles
stirring up visions of beaches with shells and
wafts of the sea and its creatures





where you find
a note scribbled in haste

“don’t forget our sea voyage begins at sunset,
love, ……………”



Sailing2 away_4170 copy



Sailing away in a dream
with anticipation to a far away land called  Gardenia.



Thanks to All the Hosts
Blue Monday  Travel Photo   *
Our World  Blo-Ma  * Sonel’s Photo edit Challenge  *
Nature Notes  * ABC -D   * Alphabe – L  *
Favorite Things  *  Share the Joy  * Up Down View  *
Floral Friday Foto  Sky Watch  * Todays Flowers  *
Weekend Reflection Pink Saturday  Maleviks Garden  *
Sundayinmycity  *

49 thoughts on “WHITE GARDENIA

  1. Hi! Nice captures and the beautiful painting. I like the gardenia flowers. They have good and strong smell. Chestnuts and gardenia fruits boiling would make them very beautiful yellow. Thanks for sharing.


  2. The gardenia is my favorite flower!! When we moved to coastal Georgia in 2012, the first thing I did was to plant two gardenia bushes beside my deck. Great painting, and photos!!

    Thanks for commenting on my post. Incidentally, NSA warrantless surveillance (spying) began in 2001, when George Bush was president. You can check that fact if you’d like to.


  3. Your painting makes me think of my late Mother…. Just beautiful…. I added your link,. I am trying to figure out what the problem is. This week’s current kinky box is at the very bottom of the NN post. You click on it and a new window opens showing those who have already linked in and a blank space with a line for your name and a line for your blog address. Michelle


  4. Yeah, I didn’t expect kinky from you:) Am trying to understand as a first grader what a college graduate has said about the link – I guess we can’t be intelligent or proficient at ALL things (smile)


  5. such a lovely array of photos, each one is exquisite in its own beauty! I admire your talent of painting. I like looking at gardenias, but they bring on migraines so I’ll never have one in my small area for flowers.


  6. The Gardenia Oil is stunning. I sense a bit of cheekiness there, perhaps that’s the tousled hair look you mentioned. Thank you for linking into the Look Up Look Down Challenge. debbie


  7. Well done on the painting of Gardenia, it is very pretty… I also love the butterfly thingy, so cute… Have a lovely weekend !


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