Have enjoyed reading several of your personal experiences so much for the past few weeks with the bigger and smaller city as well as this drive on the W-coast!

My shock continuation about this smaller city experience on Friday. I had googled and found two yarn stores. One was open the day after Thanksgiving, and the other not, so the choice was easy.
We parked in a residential street and couldn’t figure out where the store was.




We passed the corner and I saw this window. Turned around again
then saw the store sign( you may faintly see through the window)! I shook my head in disbelief.
The perks of a small city … a store at the end of a residential street!





Choose the light mint green from Blue Sky Cotton
second bin on the left. I gasped (inside) when they rang up the total.
In retrospect, it was totally worth it. I had four hanks left, and was almost enough
( $20 more) for another unique (summery) top.
Deal or what?




Reflection in Mirror


This cotton sweater was started at the neck, then going down.*
Maybe you recall that it meant “no room for error?”
I was doing great …  untill the second sleeve.
Repeated it 3 times, to match the first one.
Surprisingly, the lace at the neck and pockets were much easier than I thought!
I made the sweater a size bigger, since comfort counts more than looks when painting.
It would be frustrating to have my blood flow cut off, lol.





Leaving the yarn store, hubby took a fifth pic of Patient Me and My Yarn Tree



New WCoastCA_1160


a half an hour of travel
enjoying refreshing sights of the ocean …

to see the(blurry)  reflections in the wet sand, click to see enlarged version





 up to Main Street Solvang!
patches of yellow, peach, and pink
(taken by hubby)



Solvang Sign_7491

Do you realize that Denmark is a kingdom?
How about Sweden, Denmark, Norway, Holland, and Spain?
ALL kingdoms ruled by a king and/or queen.

So, the U.K is not the only kingdom in Europe!! I wonder when the MEDIA catches up to that.
The kingdom Luxembourg is ruled by a Grand Duke, and Monaco, Liechtenstein, and Andorra ruled by a prince.

At the inauguration of the New king Willem Alexander and Queen Maxima of Holland last year, all the kings, queens, princes, and princesses were there.



see you when I get there,
Solvang close by ( in California)
(whenever I post it:)  )


* The sweater is a pattern from Craftsy (on line) Mercedes Tarasovich-Clark  (the Artemesia Sweater)


Thanks to All the hosts

Sunday in my City  *
Blue Monday  Travel Photo  * Whim Windows & Doors  *
Our World  *  Nature Notes  Blo-Ma  *
ABC– M   * Outdoor Wednesday  *
Share the Joy  Up down View  * Alphabe – U * Thurs Little Things  *
Sky Watch  Floral Friday Foto  * Weekend Reflection *
Todays Flowers  Fri. Photo Journal *
Pink Saturday  * Maleviks Garden  *








38 thoughts on “MORE OF THE SMALLER CITY

  1. really enjoyed seeing sunday in your city – liked the reflection shot with the camera! and the shirt in the antique window was so artsy and fun. 🙂


  2. What an amazing knitter you are and the colour and pattern is gorgeous. I also love knitting so when I saw the wool I could not resist I had to have a look. Visiting from SIMC. Have a wonderful week. Raymonde


  3. What a lovely day. You can do anything and everything beautifully and artistically. Thanks as always for sharing your talents. And yes we here in the US are quite hung up on the British monarchy — I have enjoyed reading blogs from those other countries you mention and seeing and learning about their royalty.


  4. Pretty sweater! And I love the shot of you and the yarn tree. The view of the ocean and mountain is pretty. Lovely series and post. Have a happy week!


  5. That shop looks so warm and welcoming on the inside, I’d have a hard time not buying anything! And your sweater looks great, well worth the effort 🙂


  6. “Once upon a time…” words that hook my nose in a book forever when I was little. Love love your post. I’m familiar with other kingdoms in Europe; thanks for the bit on Luxembourg and their Grand Duke


  7. I like that Yarn tree. It’s so whimsical. You’re sweater is beautiful, too. I have no idea how to knit, so I am extra impressed. It’s been decades since I’ve been to Solvang. Is it still a charming little town?


  8. Well said about the kingdoms of Europe! I also spent several posts on our royalty and once a post on the (then)three ruling queens of Europe:queen Elisabeth, queen Beatrix and queen Margarethe.


  9. I love the color and texture of yarn skeins all stacked up in bins. And yes, I did know all those places were kingdoms with royal rulers….. maybe the UK focus is just for us English-speakers.


  10. Would the pattern have been easier when standing on your head? At least it would have ‘felt’ right way up.
    I wonder if anyone watched the programme of the jewels of the crowned heads of Europe?


  11. I must admit that I have trouble sewing on buttons. I can’t even fathom trying to something so elaborate detail oriented as making a whole sweater like that. Multi-talented is what you are.


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