Yosemite Nat Park in Winter

 Can’t let the death of several cartoonists and policemen in Paris as well as all the hostages
just go by.

Je suis (I am) Charlie

with so many evil loose canons around, I sincerely hope they change the gun control laws for the police in France!

Now my post

Hope the New Year is treating you well!

A short get away to Yosemite Nat. Park. Going in the summer didn’t turn out, since there were two fires near the Nat. Park. Since our son  traveled from Holland to the USA for the holidays,  we thought  winter may have its own atmosphere…
Surprise! the parking lots were full. There have been winters that we only saw one-two people in a day.


For first timers: to COMMENT: click right underneath title of this post!


burnt TreeTrunks_3367


We were there in mid winter many years ago ( an avalanche took place an hour where we left. We heard a 13-year girl was killed at the route we had been taking. Second thoughts about being safe when there’s a pack of snow laying on the mountains).  A stark  contrast of the blackened tree trunks that survived the fire with the snow.






The mountain view everyone comes for (Half Dome) “War” stories by father and son were exchanged of climbing this mountain










Everywhere are fences at dangerous points. Still people fall to their death because an impulsive maneuver when they jump the fence to take a better pic






To prove to his friends from school in the Netherlands he was actually in this Nat. Park with his parents
living in the USA.




summerflowerW-entrance 175


a not so frosty, summery flower in the area of the W-entrance


Concerning me, the queen lays on her bed with Alka Selzer, cough drops and tissues  right beside her. No extra Zest in her!

The only comfort is knowing that I have this out of the way for the rest of the year!


Thanks to All the Hosts
Blue Monday  * Travel Photo  *  Mandarin Orange  *
Our World  *  Nature Notes  Blo-Ma (Bit &pieces)  * Wordless  *
ABC – Z  * Outdoor Wednesday  *  Water World  *
Little Things  *   Updown View  Good Fences  * Alpabe – H  *
Sky Watch  *  Floral Friday Foto  Fri Photo Journal  * Weekend Reflection  *  * Todays Flowers  * Maleviks Show Down  *